i2G online platform enables multiple petrophysical applications running on it. These applications are supported by a comprehensive data management system and a “base” module to provide data analysis and pre-processing tools. Within the platform, an effective collaboration system is also developed to support multi-user projects with flexible sharing permissions.
Well Insight
The app provides full-spectrum wellbore data interpretation from clastics reservoir to fractured basement. A comprehensive reservoir analysis package is available within the app. This package contains Formation Pressure Analysis to identify fluid contacts along with Hydraulic Flow Unit analysis using Kozeny-Carman relationship and Saturation Height Modeling. Project storage and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are also two key modules built within it. Project storage together with running applications provide a unified working environment where the relationship between working project and the related flat files can be properly captured. This hand-in-hand solution maximize the actual time working on the data rather than searching them. The Depofacies Predictor (AI) module is built to consistently predict depositional facies in a very practical time frame.
Machine Learning Toolkit
This is a critical app in our data analytics workflow. MLT on i2G offers the most advanced predictive algorithms including both regression and classification. It also contains non-linear predictor functions to model non-linear relationship between the input curves and the target curve. Self-organizing Map is another advanced module built specifically for facies classification by both supervised and unsupervised algorithms.
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Python Editor
The app enables user to easily implement their own properties codes with multiple APIs supported and built-in libraries. The app offers batch processing ability which means user can now perform a task on a huge dataset including many wells with a few lines of code.
Base Map
This is another app running on the platform that supports well locations viewing with friendly user interface and flexible configurations. The user is able to export any base map configurations and import for a quick base map creation. Another key feature of the app is contouring. It interpolates across the model by 2D kriging between wells any parameter carried within i2G.